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June 1, 2021 | Issue 26.22

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The Small Nonprofit Podcast: Going back to the office with Alice D'Abreu 

Is your organization starting to plan for a return to the office? Or is your team going to continue working from home as we slowly transition to post-pandemic reality? Whichever option you’re thinking about, there are considerations for how to ensure your staff has a safe and healthy working environment. On this week’s podcast, Alice D’Abreu, an HR expert and founder of Monday Morning, shares with us what employers should be thinking about, planning for, and starting to roll out now.

Here's one of our favourite quotes from this week's episode:

"Think about how this whole pandemic experience has had an impact on people during these very trying times. Get a pulse of what are the main challenges that people have faced and might face going forward and then look into providing targeted support.”

We've rounded up Alice's top 4 tips for a safe return to the office, as well as her full interview, on this week's episode page. GET THE TIPS AND LISTEN NOW

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LGBTQ2+ minority stress in the workplace: How discrimination hurts health 

“I’m just so tired, I don’t know how many times I have to remind my boss of my pronouns.”

“I was so proud of my daughter graduating. I never expected my supervisor to ask why she was wearing a suit. What’s wrong with that?”

“I was asked to put the photo of me and my husband away as not work appropriate, even though there are straight colleagues with them.”

In my work as an LGBTQ2+ educator, I have people tell me stories like these, as well as overtly traumatic moments of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. Perhaps my social work background shines through, or when I arrive in a space representing Pride at Work Canada I am seen as a physical manifestation of the queer community. I am sometimes the first person people tell in their workplace that they are part of the community, or that someone they love is LGBTQ2+. I may just be the first welcoming face that they know won’t judge them for their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Considering the continued discrimination against LGBTQ2+ people in the broader world, having discrimination happen in our workplaces can have an even more detrimental effect. Discriminatory comments or actions can build up and have a major impact on a person’s work performance, as well as their health. The impact of such experiences can accumulate into minority stress. READ MORE

Promoted by Keela

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Sensitivity is a superpower, not a liability 

Many service providers identify with heightened sensitivity. They feel attuned to the energy of other people and have a keen awareness of their capacity for compassion and empathy ~ often externally focused.

As a child, I recall sometimes being seen as overly emotional ~ at times, feeling as though I was being treated with kid gloves. It was not that anyone ever directly told me to “toughen up” but, somehow, I felt as though that would be preferable. Not until adulthood, did I recognize that my developing a thick skin was actually not about my protection, but rather that my being less sensitive made others feel more comfortable. READ MORE


Keela - Product Showcase - Nonprofit Fundraising KPIs Toolkit.

Create a FREE Fundraising KPIs Dashboard

In this three-part toolkit, we include a guide and a master list of metrics you should really care about to determine the success of your organization, as well as a dashboard to track your data and measure your trends.

Download the FREE Guide


New Online Course: Governing Your Organization - A Deeper Dive 

Is your board of directors ready to dig a little deeper into effective governance? Are you wondering what it takes to host a virtual event for your organization? The newest addition to CharityVillage's online courses, Governing Your Organization: A Deeper Dive, takes an in-depth look at some of the key functions of your board and the challenges it faces. Written by governance expert Matt Fullbrook, this online course covers the following learning objectives:

  • Try different approaches to governance with greater confidence
  • Build a toolkit that can enhance key elements of board effectiveness on an ongoing basis
  • Enhance the quality of governance dialogue inside your boardroom and between the board and management
  • Improve the efficiency of your board meetings

This is a self-paced, online course and you'll have unlimited access for up to 3 months. The course also comes with 7 downloadable resources and is eligible for a variety of certification credits.

Click here to enroll today!


KRD - Horizontal Showcase - Your data. Your impact. Your story.

ABCD: A Better Community Database

Flexible software with simple yet powerful features, intuitive design, and no license or user fees ever. We handle the complexity so you don't have to: case management and data analytics for nonprofits, made easy. 

Join the ABCD community, and don't miss our latest blog posts on the tools vital to nonprofits in 2021:

If you are a grassroots group or a small nonprofit, you may be eligible for a 70% subsidy - Learn more today!


Our News section rounds up the best of the past week's Canadian nonprofit sector news and announcements.

• More than one-quarter of workers say pandemic contributed to a career setback
• Celebrate immigrant success in Canada with the Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards
• Essential employee benefits revealed in new survey 
• Nominate a career development leader for the Etta St. John Wileman Award
• Volunteering counts: Formal and informal contributions of Canadians in 2018


Capacity Canada - Box Ad - Governance Training from Capacity Canada
OASSIS - Box Ad -  OASSIS Benefit Plans


How employee emotional well-being impacts job satisfaction
Employee emotional well-being is a discussion topic that gained prominence during the pandemic, and we do not expect this area of focus to fade away post-pandemic. In fact, we are just now learning more about the challenges the pandemic has caused for many companies, managers and leaders with regard to employee engagement, morale and job satisfaction. We are seeing more and more people report being highly stressed in both the virtual and hybrid workplace. READ MORE

Telus - Middle Banner 1 - Exclusive deals for registered charities & non-profits so you can make a greater impact. From TELUS Business


The 2021 Giving Report. 7 Trends You Need To Know.

Amidst Crisis, Online Giving Grows

While overall donations fell in 2020, online giving grew rapidly. Download the fourth annual Giving Report to learn the 7 major trends affecting online giving, and read success stories from charities that adapted in the face of COVID-19.

Download Now

NewOrg Management System

Data-Management for Federal/Provincial Funded Agencies

NewOrg specializes in turnkey solutions for non-profit/municipal FCSS Organizations, Employment Agencies, and Immigration and Resettlement Groups (IRCC), customized for your programs, NewOrg Collects, Assesses and Reports on Client Services, Automates Funder Reporting and Pre-Populates government forms.  See how NewOrg can help with scheduling, case-notes, assessments.
Download our solution guides today!

Recent data releases from Statistics Canada are helpful but more is needed
Imagine Canada
Having accurate and up-to-date evidence is key to informed decision-making. Unfortunately, the nonprofit sector has been experiencing a data deficit for some time now. Our lack of economic, organizational and employment data means that public policy, funding and organizational decisions are made without access to basic information. We, along with many others in the sector, have made getting better data a priority for some time now. As a result, there have been numerous important data releases on the nonprofit sector from Statistics Canada over the past year. In this post, we explore what the data can tell us about the state of our sector, and what’s next for this policy file. READ MORE

HUB - Middle Banner 1 - Get the insurance coverage you need so you can focus on your mission.

Going back to work in the office: It has to be worth it
After an entire year of completely reimagining work structures, overcoming hardships and worrying about wellbeing, asking employees to return to the workplace can feel like yet another challenge for leaders to overcome. But what if leaders look at it differently? What if this is an opportunity for your organization to define a "workplace value proposition" that actually enhances the engagement of your workforce? READ MORE

When there’s beef on your nonprofit board
This season is ripe for conflict. So much is going on in the world outside of the realm of nonprofit board service. Folks are divided on issues of police reform, virtual schooling, left or right politics, diversity-focused-vs-not diverse enough, and whether to mask up in this pandemic or not. It is no wonder some boards are finding it difficult to be productive due to this bickering, eye-rolling, microaggressions, bias, silence, or absence. Some of us have straight checked out!  READ MORE

PhiLab - Bottom Block - Atlantic Conference
CV - Bottom Block - COVID Report

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